The Masks We Wear

Behind every mask there is a face, and behind that is a story. When do we wear a mask? WHY do we wear a mask? When is it appropriate? When can it be harmful? The world is full of wounded people wearing masks. WORDS often create the mask or make us keep it on.

We all wear masks sometimes and that is not necessarily a bad thing. But, when we wear masks too often, we forget who we really are and we do not allow others to know us in a real way that is healthy. When, and with whom, do you wear masks? Is it with friends? a certain group of people? at work? at home? with a certain person? Or, is it all the time? And, most importantly, WHY?

The Masks We Wear is a one-day workshop that looks at the ways we often hide our true identities and feelings by assuming a cover to them. We explore the kinds of masks we wear and why we wear them. We look at Maladaptive Schemas that were developed as we were growing up and how these beliefs created some of the masks we still wear today. Each participant is invited to look within and choose which masks are no longer useful and those that may be hiding their authentic self. Together, we decide how and when to remove the masks we no longer want or need.

“My mother and I participated in The Masks We Wear workshop with Eve Mills-Nash. The content was interesting, removing the masks that keep us from becoming our authentic selves, and the venue was nice. However, what I remember most is how Eve made me feel. Eve was kind and sensitive to the group members. She listened to everyone’s stories with empathy and understanding.

“The pace of the workshop was great. I know I speak for many when I say that I would be happy to recommended Eve’s workshops to others. She has a natural ability to help people feel safe enough to uncover their most intimate pieces.”

– Patricia Price, Fredericton NB